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Sherrie Morgan

Eye Pillow with Sherrie Morgan Design Bright and Breezy,

Eye Pillow with Sherrie Morgan Design Bright and Breezy,

Regular price $33.00 AUD
Regular price $0.00 AUD Sale price $33.00 AUD
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Bright and Breezy is bursting with colour and excitement, like a summer holiday. 'I could stare at sunflowers all day long' Sherrie
This print is beautiful for relaxing with or maybe even a gorgeous gift for a loved one. Sit back relax and enjoy the luxurious feeling of this Australian made eye pillow.
Perfect for those who want to float away in the darkness or tired eyes.

Pop the insert into a plastic bag and into the freezer for a minimum of 30 minutes and then enjoy the cold relief once applied to the affected area.

'I get frequent migraines and keep one on hand in the freezer to act as a cold press on my head' - Sherrie

The cotton cover is machine washable so you can keep your new eye buddy fresh!

Dimensions: 24cm L x 11cm W
Material: Cotton cover, cotton insert, filling is Organic Australian wheat, essential oil and dried flowers such as roses or lavender.

*Heating is not recommend for the eyes*

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    'Drawing, designing and being creative is my passion, my love and my downtime.

    I often get completely lost in a new project and can be totally consumed until the early hours of the morning without even realising.'

    Sherrie x